Digital Concierge is a "Free" Guest Relations system. Its designed " By Guest, For Guest" to enhance (You Guessed it) the Guest Experience. (try saying that 3 times fast) It bridges the gap between your guest and the information they want and need "Instantly", while being a guest, at your property. AND in the method they prefer most, "Their Smart Phone". "Yes", we just made the smartphone smarter.

Someone even told me, they like to share it with friends and Family. (Show offs!) They even gave it a Nik name, DigiCon! Need something? Digicon it. (Sounds Catchy)

it provides the top two priorities
todays guest Demand, it saves them "Time and Money" and that ='s "Value"

It reduces, interaction for menial task, so you can focus on "The Big Stuff" that really matters. It doesn't eliminate it, (we love our human interactions)

We all live at an accelerated pace today. We are accustomed to getting information NOW!
As some folks say, we don't be toleraten notin less, well, that's what I heard
The "Digital Concierge", takes the phrase "there's an app for that" to a whole new level, and maybe, best of all, its FREE. (more on that later).

Downloadable apps are now a thing of the past.

Technically (love that word), our Digital Concierge is a customized "Progressive Web App." Translated, its a state of the art hybrid, between an app and a website. (One app that works on all devices, tablet, phone, PC ,laptops, and, its sharable ). Not just on your phone and no downloads required, means no hoops to jump thru.

It gives your guest instant access to everything your property, and the local community has to offer, (Yes, just like a Concierge) with games and prizes offered by the sponsors, its a sure HIT. Everyone likes winning stuff Conveniently, in the palm of their hands. Saving you, and your guest time

It also gives you the ability to message your guest in real time, via Text, and/or instant chat. (Push Messaging works on android devices, and as of 2023 iPhone too)
Simply scan the free QR code we provide on the free custom signage, we provide. with the camera on their phone, and it instantly appears on their home screen, and offers them the ability to put an icon on their home screen, or bookmark it, for easy access for continued use.

Also includes a free custom video to welcome and orient your guest in style. (If a picture is worth a 1000 words, how much is a video?)
Don't even get me started on tracking capabilities. Who cares what they're doin on my app? Just, everyone in the free world, that's all.

Try it now, scan the QR code below with your phone to see a live interactive demo. Or, as I hear they say in the Big City , read on...

Questions? Of course you do…

You: I can just get my own app made!

Me: Yes that’s correct! The average cost of an app
with all of these features, is in the neighborhood of $24,000,
Plus hosting and maintenance, and usually a monthly fee.

A single mobile PWA site can reach users across many different types of mobile devices, whereas native apps require a separate version to be developed for each type of device. Furthermore, mobile PWA app URLs are easily integrated within other mobile technologies such as SMS, QR Codes and near field communication (NFC).

You: Okay pretty cool and very useful! What else you got?

Me: I’m glad you asked! you also get free SMS custom messaging to communicate with your guest while they’re on property. Send them onsite custom offers, specials or notices of any kind.

You: Very Cool, I’m getting excited.

Me: Great, I knew you would. So you may want to sit down for what’s next, take a deep breath. Ready? Okay, You Also get free live chat, to answer questions instantl

…and now for the “proverbial, but wait” there’s more

I suppose that now you’ve gotten this far, you want to know what’s in the secret sauce? Click the tab below

Some Screen Shots Below

The homescreen Icon is recommended to the user when they inituially launch the app. makes it easier to launch and use the app , as they will use it frequntly

 They’re fast, easy and fun. You simply open your camera, scan the code, and the app Magically appears on the home screen of their phone. (okay, its (really not magic), But Its magical!
Click on the prompt to put the icon on home  screen, and you’re all set. the app is ready for action, with a click!
Don’t have to go to the play store or apple store, search to find the app and then download and install the app

Your background image and welcome message will be customized just for you. As you can see, there is a welcome video explaining how, why, and rewards of using the app frequently.

To the right of it is an icon to launch a chat with your designated customer service rep.

If no one is available, or out of normal business hours, they can leave a message via email, and you can respond back during normal business hours.

Click the learn more button for more information or a demo

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